I don't get to eat a lot of Thai food, much of it contains coconut and I have a nasty allergy to that. So with that being said, I have no idea what makes these almonds "Thai Spice". They don't taste like sriracha, which is arguably the most popular taste of Thailand in the United States at the moment. In fact they aren't hot at all, which was a surprise to everyone I shared them with. The can itself offers few clues, just onion, garlic, paprika, vinegar and "spices". I tried to look up Thai spice and then Thai seasoning but other than ginger (likely), Thai chilis (doubtful since there's no heat) and fish sauce (no way, they'd have to put that on the ingredients list, right?), I really don't know what makes this Thai spiced. As much as I hate not knowing something it doesn't matter what spices are used because these are really good. I brought them to a barbecue and they quickly passed from hand to hand and in several rotations before I had to hide the few remaining nuts so I could write this review. I'm actually surprised that one of the big nut companies, like Blue Diamond or Emerald, haven't made their own version of these.
By Martin Peyruc
Found at Rite Aid (obviously)